ALIM Web Help


This topic describes possible error messages that you might encounter in Brava!, their causes, and solutions.

Errors When Sending Files to Brava!

(500): Internal Server Error While Queuing Files
The first stage of viewing a file involves sending it to the Brava server to be queued for processing. At this stage the user sees the "Queuing Files" message. If a problem occurs during the process the following error is displayed:

There was a problem queuing the files you selected with Brava! The error reported was "The remote server returned an error. (500) Internal Server Error."

Cause Undetermined.

Contact your administrator to determine more details by examining the Brava Service log located at http://<computername>/BravaServer/status.aspx, where <computername> is the name of the computer where the Brava server is installed.

Errors Opening Files in Brava!

Net-IT Enterprise error: Unable to load file: 1
The Brava! server was unable to load or process the file that you attempted to view.
Cause The file's native application is not installed on the Brava! server.
Solution Install the file's native application onto the Brava! server.